Nurse's Corner

Pre-School/Pre-K Influenza Vaccine Requirement
The New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, as per New Jersey Administrative Code (N.J.A.C. 8:57-4.19), states that children up to 59 months of age in Pre-School/Pre-K must receive at least one dose of influenza vaccine between September 1st and December 31st every year. Students who do not comply with this requirement will be excluded from school from January 1st until the end of flu season, March 31.
Compliance with this state regulation is
mandatory and it will help to insure the health of each
child and adult in the class during the flu season.
Every year on the first Friday of February, dentists across the United States provide free dental care to children twelve and under who have no dental insurance and no "dental home." In most cases, your child will receive a dental check up, followed by a cleaning, fluoride treatment, or sealants. If necessary, the dentist may provide fillings or perform extractions and other treatments as needed. Give Kids a Smile Day is Friday, February 5, 2021. For more information, contact your school nurse or go to and click on Give Kids a Smile.
Allergy Plans/Asthma Plans/Medication Forms
Just a reminder...if your child has a life threatening allergy, you must update an allergy action plan each year and supply epinephrine.
If your child has asthma and needs to use an inhaler or nebulizer at school, you must update the asthma action plan each year and supply the medication and mouthpiece/mask.
If your child needs medication during the school day for any reason (antibiotics, pain relief, etc.) you must use the school medication form. All of this paperwork is available on the school website under FORMS.
Change of Clothes
A limited supply of clothing is available if your child needs to change clothes during the school day and you are unable to bring his/her clothes to school.
Donations of clean, used clothing are gratefully accepted. Items needed are elastic waist pants/leggings (size 6, 8, 10, 12) and shirts (medium/large). You may also leave a set of clothes for your child in the nurse's office or in their back pack in case a change would be needed.
When Should I Keep My Child Home?

Sometimes it is difficult to decide if your child is well enough to attend school. Even in the case of the common cold, some children are able to function quite well, while others can feel quite miserable. Here are some pointers to help you in deciding when to keep your child home from school. If your child has had any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours, he should not be sent to school.
- Nausea/vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Temperature 100° or above
- Repeated diarrhea
- Acute cold symptoms
- Sore throat
- Persistent cough
- Red eyes or eye discharge
- Lethargic behavior/ simply not feeling well enough to be productive at school
Children with strep throat and conjunctivitis are not permitted to return to school until they have been taking the appropriate medication for treatment for 24 hours. A doctor's note may be requested stating when the child may return to school.

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