PV Morning Procedures
The following are important reminders in the event of inclement weather during morning drop off:
- As on good weather days, students should arrive on school grounds at 8:10am.
- In order to keep students out of the rain, snow, and/or cold, staff will be on duty at their respective doors at 8:10am to allow for student entry. Students arriving at 8:10am will be directed to the gym/APR where they will be housed until 8:20am. At that time they will be released to go to their homeroom class.
- Students should enter through the gym/APR:
- Grades PreK & K - APR
- Grades 1-2-3 - Gym
- Miss Costello's class - side media center entrance
- Students arriving after 8:31am will need to report to the main entrance.
The health and safety of our students is paramount to the school and to our students' academic well-being. This is the best way we can provide the proper and appropriate supervision to our students while keeping their health and safety in mind on inclement weather mornings. Your assistance in this effort is very much appreciated.