Good morning Parkview Families,
I hope everyone had a great week and are ready for the weekend! We are so excited to be able to return to the Hybrid model in the next two weeks - beginning Monday, February 1, we welcome back our preschoolers and the following week, February 8, we are welcoming back all Hybrid students, kindergarten through grade three.
A lot of the information below has been shared in the past few weeks and even earlier in the school year, but I figured it would be nice to have it all in one place.
Please reference the 5 attached files that will assist with this information:
Attendance Information
After School Schedule
February Calendar
Drop off Loop Procedures
Line Up Map
Entry/Dismissal/Temperature/Health Screening
All line up locations are the same as earlier in the year (they will be marked with signs) with the exception of one of our Preschool classes. Miss Miceli sent detailed information about that and more information from Mrs. McGowan will be shared soon.
Every morning, we will continue with our three temperature scanning locations - at the crosswalk on Violet Terrace, through the drive-through-Loop, and on the Path near the gym.
Prior to coming to school, parents should be completing the Health Screening form.
Student Groupings
With the exception of preschool, all Hybrid students are currently placed in the A group (Monday/Tuesday in school) OR B group (Thursday/Friday in school). The D group will remain fully virtual.
As we return to the Hybrid learning model, we are going back to Wednesday being a fully remote day for everyone. All staff and students will be working from home that day so our school can be deep cleaned between our cohort groupings. The daily schedule will remain the same with your homeroom teacher featuring 'live' instruction.
Kindergarten through grade three students will have Physical Education class in the Gym with Mrs. Giglio. The other specials will be instructed remotely to their homeroom class. Our hope is that as things progress for the positive, students will be reintroduced again to 'live' special classes. In the next few weeks there will be communication sent as specials begin to rotate, giving all of our Hybrid students the opportunity to learn hands on.
After School
The attached after school schedule outlines some of the time adjustments that were made. Please check with your teacher for specifics on office hours, 1:1 scheduled time, and special 'club' activities.
As we return to Hybrid learning for many, please remember to sign into the Google attendance form on the days your child/ren are remote. The attached file below has further details.
The Loop
The drive-through-Loop will start up again on Monday, February 8 for students in kindergarten through grade three only. If your child/ren (or you) are unsure of where to line up, please don't use the loop, and park your car across the street and walk your child/ren over. Although there will be staff outside and signs everywhere, we want to ensure that all students get to their classrooms safely.
Current requirement for schools from the NJDOH
In the context of an ongoing state-wide second wave, New Jersey continues to experience COVID-19 transmission among school-aged children. In children, signs/symptoms are often mild, and it may not be possible to clinically distinguish COVID-19 from other illnesses. For this reason, the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) recommends that any child with COVID-19 compatible symptoms should not return to school until they have either received a negative viral test (molecular or antigen) for SARS-CoV-2 or they have completed an isolation period of at least 10 days since symptom onset and at least 24 hours after resolution of fever without fever-reducing medications with symptom improvement.
Additional information
Students will be given over-the-ear noise canceling headphones to help minimise excess noise while in class when using their chromebooks.
Weather permitting, teachers will be taking their students outside for periodic mask/snack breaks (with coats on!).
Face shields will be required for students to wear when their classroom cohort has 10 or more students in the room.
All students will still be using their school issued Chromebooks. If you experience any difficulty with them, please contact the tech department: [email protected]
If you should have any questions about these items or anything school related at all, please feel free to reach out: [email protected].
We are so excited to return again back to school! Thank you for your continued support and patience through all of these changes and adjustments. Your kids continue to amaze me in all grade levels - these are difficult times we are living in right now and they continue to forge through!
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Siegel