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A Message from Mr. Siegel

Good afternoon Parkview Families,

I wanted to provide a brief update reinforcing some points from Dr. Brown's communication sent earlier today -

I will be sending a detailed Parent Square message on Friday outlining Parkview's reopening in the upcoming weeks, but wanted to make sure everyone was informed of these important points:

1) Students will be attending Physical Education class in the gym, not virtually like the other specials will be. Only if Phys Ed falls on a Wednesday will that lesson be virtual. After a week or so of getting reacclimated, we are going to rotate the specials like we did in the Fall, making it equitable for all of the classes to attend Phys Ed in person.

2) In addition to everyone wearing face masks, face shields will only be required to be worn by students in those classes that have 10+ students physically in that class.

3) Because of these adjustments, and others outlined by Dr. Brown, we are extending the cohort change date to this Friday, January 29. Please email myself ([email protected]) and/or Mrs. Mate ([email protected]) with any adjustments necessary. After this Friday, the next cohort change won't be until the end of February. Please keep in mind that at any time, your child/ren may go to the D-fully virtual group.

I hope everyone has a good rest of the week and please reach out with any questions.

Mr. Siegel